At MFD we love all things new – new cars, new shoes, new handbags, New York, Newton’s theory of Universal Gravitation and new WordPress themes.
Installing a new theme on WordPress is actually an easy process, even for us frogs, and you certainly don’t need to be an expert like Einstein or an amphibious web developer to be able to do it, follow these simple instructions and you’ll soon have your new theme up and running.
1) Choose the theme you would like and make sure it is saved in a .zip format (nearly all pre-purchased themes are already zipped anyway)
2) Log into your website WordPress admin panel
3) On the left hand menu, select ‘Appearance’ and then ‘Themes’
4) A Themes screen will then open in the centre window, towards the top of the screen click on the ‘Add New’ button
5) On the following screen, again towards the top, click on the ‘Upload Theme’ button
6) A centre browse option will then open from which you can select and install your new theme
7) Head back to ‘Appearance’ and ‘Themes’ on the left hand menu and select your newly uploaded theme
If done correctly you’ll have a sparkly clean new theme on your WordPress website that can be swapped and changed as often as you like.