RIBBITING ON...Tips on marketing, coding and more
Why enqueue a WordPress website child theme
Today the team at MFD have decided to go all geeky, well geekier anyway, and throw in a technical blog post about WordPress website child themes.
How to call in and include a PHP file 2019
At MFD we are all for saving time and making life easier, even when it comes to the geeky stuff such as PHP programming (yeah, we know, contain yourselves!). Creating and calling in PHP files into a webpage is a great way of keeping coding separate and allowing for...
How to add a featured image to a blog post 2018 update
If you run a WordPress blog you may wish to have an image that represents a particular post and is displayed as part of the post link, this known as a featured image
How to install a theme on WordPress
Installing a new theme on WordPress is actually a really easy process, even for us frogs, and you certainly don’t need to be an expert like Einstein or an amphibious web developer to be able to do it, follow these simple instructions and you’ll soon have your new theme up and running.
How to auto update copyright date on a website (updated)
As it is still January we guess we can still count this post as relevant to the new year, either that or we are from China, either way... Copyright date on a website, hands (flippers) up how many of you either forget to update it or require the person looking after...
How to auto update the year date in a WordPress footer
It's a new year and many websites have a copyright date in the footer which needs updating every year, this can be a hassle and something that is easily forgotten. Within WordPress however there is a way to set this to auto update using a php timestamp. A normal...
Changing the date/time format on WordPress
At MFD we usually tell the time through either the angle of the sun’s shadow
How to control comments on a WordPress page (updated)
Nowadays everyone always seem to have an opinion on anything and everything, good or bad, right or wrong, actually, mostly wrong in our case. Comments on a WordPress page can help encourage visitor interaction within a website and is a useful option, particularly for...
The Facebook group search function
At MFD we like to join and follow a Facebook group or two, they can
WordPress Smart 404 plugin
One website page a visitor doesn’t
Why enqueue a WordPress website child theme
Today the team at MFD have decided to go all geeky, well geekier anyway, and throw in a technical blog post about WordPress website child themes.
How to call in and include a PHP file 2019
At MFD we are all for saving time and making life easier, even when it comes to the geeky stuff such as PHP programming (yeah, we know, contain yourselves!). Creating and calling in PHP files into a webpage is a great way of keeping coding separate and allowing for...
How to add a featured image to a blog post 2018 update
If you run a WordPress blog you may wish to have an image that represents a particular post and is displayed as part of the post link, this known as a featured image
How to install a theme on WordPress
Installing a new theme on WordPress is actually a really easy process, even for us frogs, and you certainly don’t need to be an expert like Einstein or an amphibious web developer to be able to do it, follow these simple instructions and you’ll soon have your new theme up and running.
How to auto update copyright date on a website (updated)
As it is still January we guess we can still count this post as relevant to the new year, either that or we are from China, either way... Copyright date on a website, hands (flippers) up how many of you either forget to update it or require the person looking after...